In this section we answer the most frequently asked questions we receive on the website. If you have any further queries, please contact us.
Which company is behind this website?
The website proprietor is Wine Up Consulting - Joaquín Parra, a consulting company specialising in the wine sector which was created in 2006 although its involvement in wine and wine growing goes back to 1998. The company is based in Tomelloso, (Ciudad Real) What better place for setting up a company of this type? The company is totally independent and is not linked to any producer or wine seller so the opinions are freely given and the sole purpose of the site is to aid and assist those in the wine sector and all lovers of wine.
Who is this site aimed at?
At any amateur or professional in the world of wine who is as interested in learning as teaching, and who wishes to offer an opinion worldwide. We also aim to provide a link between wine cellars and wine lovers since wine cellars are able to provide their details, information on their wines, tastings and even videos.
What is the main purpose of ecatas?
In the world of wine, just as in other sectors, there will always be so-called gurus who in a more or less independent manner either praise or belittle the work of oenologists and wine cellars with their comments on a wine. All of which they do at a rather high price. At we hope to take a stand among these pundits, but with the consumers and wine lovers themselves tasting the wine and providing their opinions. A wine is good or very good, not because an educated palate has said as such... but because various persons (the more the better) coincide in their assessment of a product. The opinion of many unknown persons should hold more weight than the single opinion of one expert. This is our aim and we want you to share in and value the success of this site.
Do I have to pay to belong to ecatas?
No. It is free for both users and wine cellars. As we mentioned, ecatas hopes to act as a service provider and those services are and will always be free, although in order to guarantee this some advertising is necessary, but we shall try to ensure that this is as unobtrusive as possible.
How can you contact us?
You will find us in Tomelloso Ciudad Real and our telephone is 926502489. Our e-mail is published on the website.
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